As the old man approached my friends and I, we were trying to figure out what exactly he wanted and filling gibberish. We were trying to decide whether he was homeless and was wanting money or if he was looking for a place or someone. With thoughts going through our heads, he finally approached us asking were would be a place to get a bicycle. We told him since it was sooo late, the best place to get a bicycle that night would probably be Walmart. The old man thanked us for help him out.
With thoughts running through our heads, trying to decide what this old man needed this bicycle for we began trying to find clues. We finally decided that he wanted this bicycle for his 9 year old grandson for his birthday. So, we continued minding our own business, when suddenly the old man comes back and ask where would the Walmart be. We told him that it would be almost out of town on the left side of the highway. He asked us if we wanted a ride, but we told him that we were just going to keep hanging out there.
My friends and I continue hanging out and we start walking barefoot around town. Katie and Penguin both grab their flashlights out of their backpacks so we can see where we were going. I start searching for my flashlight, when I realize I left it where that old man was talking to us. We go back to were I left it but it was not there. Katie wants us to go to her house to stay so we finally end up getting there to have a fun-filled night.


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